

Amy has an incredible gift of intuition. Her warmth and compassion comes through as she so accurately gives guidance from the heart. She is so dead on the mark! Amazing, powerful, life changing things are happening in my life since we met. I strongly recommend her.”


“I’m a believer in spiritual healing and I believe we have guides and teachers leading us on our true path in life if we’re open to them.  Amy brought in my guides and I was blown away by the clarity and insight she provided.  I had her bring in my mother, father, step mom, brother and ex lover (all still living).  It was like she knew every one of them and gave me great perspective on how I could navigate each of the relationships based on what my guides were telling her.  If you’re looking for a bit of healing and some help from your guides I would 100% recommend Amy.  She’s great heart medicine.” 


“I am grateful for my sessions with Amy as she was able to provide some loving support and insight into my journey. She was able to connect to my guides and my story very quickly. This gave me some understanding of the changes I was going through and possible perspectives on how those changes were serving me. She is also a very sweet person who makes for an awesome friend. Thank you Amy!”


“Doing a readflexology treatment with Amy was life changing for me. Amy has the gift of knowing and sharing with you in a kind and gentle way what is holding you back form being all that you can be. I also got to feel how holding certain emotions and negative thought patterns in my body affects my health and well being.  She will point these out along with helpful ways to shift and change the negative so that the old dissolves easily and effortlessly and you feel so free.  I highly recommend a readflexology session with Amy… you will love it!!!!”
Cathy presented Amy with this handmade art (above) to thank her for her service to the community of Granbury.


“Ever since my session with Amy nothing has been the same. I followed a little voice in my heart that told me to go to her free sample session and now I understand why. She gave me a very personal reading with details she couldn’t have known about me. She helped me identify signs, answered lifelong questions, and gave me the tools to work through any obstacle I’m up against. Meeting with her that day was a life changing experience and now I know why that little voice told me to go to her. I’m getting much better at listening to that voice and growing as an individual on a universal level. I absolutely have Amy to thank for that.”

Afterthought sent: “Amy, You changed my life.  I’ve been going through an amazing awakening ever since you read for me. I feel like I’m finally understanding why I’m here. You are an inspiration to me in every way and I’m so happy to see you on your new adventure.”


“Coming from a Baptist family in the Bible belt, I knew very little about energy work, nor would I normally consider seeing someone for energy work.   Amy set me at ease, from the moment I met her, with her gentle and compassionate way.  She was able to help me work through some issues I have had my entire life I never really understood and begin the healing process.  Now I am able to begin moving forward with more joy and peace of mind.  As she began my treatment, my symptoms began to subside and I felt relief.  After my treatment I felt as if a huge weight had been lifted from meas well as having a better understanding of how to continue to let go of the negative energy I had carried for many years.  I look forward to my next treatment with her!”


“I had never met Amy before in my life, but we clicked instantly.  I hadn’t told her about my past pets, only my current ones.  Amy was spot on about my Sadie cat and my Sweetpea dog who had both died and crossed over the Rainbow Bridge.  She was so accurate in what she saw and what she told me.  She even told me certain features about both of them.  She said that Sadie and Sweetpea are not gone completely, but that they are still with me.  Every now and then when I thought I had seen them out of the corner of my eye or I felt something rub up against my leg, even when I looked down and saw nothing there, thanks to Amy, I now know that my beloved babies have been with me all along.  I can rest assured and even feel comforted to know that their little spirits are still with me . . . that we had such a strong love between us that we will be together forever.  That literally made me cry.  Amy is a sensitive, warm and beautiful person who has a very special and unique gift.  I would highly recommend her to anyone who is seeking information about a beloved pet, and even certain living humans!  Thank you Amy, so very much, for the peace you have given me!”


“Like many of you I have watched Cesar Millan dog whisperer episodes.  I had often wished I could meet a true dog whisperer.  I met Amy at a spiritual retreat and weclicked right away.  Amy has a beautiful gentle vibrant personality.  On the last day of our spiritual retreat, actually I believe it was the last hour, Amy shared with me the work she does with animals.  It has been years that I wished to meet an authentic dog whisperer…  I couldn’t wait any longer!  Amy came to my house the following week.  What she shared with me regarding my sweet poodle that I have had for 11 years was very personal and so very accurate.  Amy connected with my Besito and shared with me some much needed warningsregarding me and my household and gave me helpful advice on what steps to take.  Besito also shared comments regarding a past boyfriend that was right on target.  I don’t really know how to express my awe-ness with Amy’s session.  Would I do it again? Yes, in a heartbeat!  Amy Satori is a genuine dog whisperer.  I also tried her Readflexology session on myself starting with 30 minutes of wonderful foot massage, followed by a Qi Gong healing, where she scans your body for any blockages that may need to be removed or healed.  All input was very accurate and powerful.  Thank you Amy!”

Leigh Ann & Steve

“It’s crazy the timing that Amy came into my life. My fur baby, Butters had just passed. My heart severely broken and the grief had really taken over me. I finally said to myself I really needed some peace and called to set up an appointment. This was my first time ever to experience anything like this! Amy was great and talked me through everything and answered every question I had! Talking to my Butters gave me great relief! Everything Amy described to me really was my Butters. I have no doubt in my mind! Also, during my Readflexology treatment, Amy found a concern that I have always had with one of my medications. Amy explained what it was doing to my body and gave me information and instructions to help with it. Amy also found two things that I struggle with daily…. things I knew were there, but try to not deal with. It was such a great relief to hear that I can let go of these struggles and I really feel great relief after we discussed the causes of my feelings and struggles. I will recommend Amy to everyone! As a matter of fact, I already have!!!” ~ Leigh Ann

“My wife treated me to a treatment from Amy and I was pretty nervous not knowing what to expect. As a drill sergeant, I was definitely reluctant. All I knew was, after my wife had a treatment with her, she called me right after and said I love you in a way that I knew something good had happened. All I can say is it was much more pleasant an experience than I anticipated and I’d recommend this even for guys. It’s worth the experience to see what she does. She shed some light on some things about my relationship I had the ability to do something about and that felt good. I recommend going to see her.” ~ Steve


“I contacted Amy because my 14 year old Aussie, Poppy, had recently passed away and my two 5 year old Aussies were unsure quite what was happening or how they should interact.  Amy’s approach was to help define what Poppy’s joyful, balancing energy had contributed to our family dynamic, and then to help the younger dogs heal & grow by incorporating that into their relationship.  She also encouraged me to take a more active ‘Alpha’ role in our pack so that one of my younger dogs can relax and leave the decisions to me.   I really do believe that Amy was able to communicate with my dogs – they were incredibly at ease with her.  And because she so accurately described certain things about Poppy, I was truly comforted in knowing that Poppy’s energy was indeed right there with me.  She also ‘got’ the presence of my other two dogs who had passed some time ago, again telling me things about them that were right on the money, and I was absolutely delighted at the feeling of having my lovely friends there with me!   It was obvious from the moment she arrived that Amy has a great understanding and love of animals, and that they respond eagerly to her.  It must be such a relief for them to meet a human who can finally hear what they’re saying!  And she certainly seems to be tuned in to more dimensions than just this one, which is wonderful.  I’m inspired to learn to listen more keenly myself to my dogs’ needs and to be more aware of the life & energy in all forms, all around me, every day.  It was a great experience – thanks so much, Amy!”


“I’ve had two treatments with Amy in her treatment room and had another session where she spent some time with me and my dog in our home. I also attend her qigong classes regularly. After my first treatment, I was sharing with others in her class that her sessions are life changing. I used to have this mechanism in me that would make me feel guilty every time I was truly happy. It haunted and taunted me deeply and it made me feel anxious and alone since I didn’t feel there was anyone I could talk to about it. After her treatment, I no longer had this feeling.  GONE.  I couldn’tbelieve it.  I realized this depression wasn’t even me… it was just something I held in my energy field.  I no longer had to beat myself up about it. What a relief! I can’t even tell you the load it’s taken off me and I’ve even noticed other negative thoughts don’t even occur to me anymore. It’s like she washed me clean and hit the reset button! In fact, I also lost my intense urges for foods that were bad for me and all these things I had planned to put into action, but couldn’t seem to find the strength or will power to do, became easy to do and now I feel I’m living the life I was trying to create for so long. My communication with my husband has become more gentle and direct and less passive aggressive as a result as well. THEN, After the second treatment, half way through, I looked at her stunned and said, “My life will never be the same after this moment.” No exaggeration. I cannot begin to express the impact this woman has made on my life. Oh! And I used to use a nebulizer on a regular basis, but now have it tucked away in a drawer “just in case”. My asthma no longer runs me. I have my life back! I would highly recommend her to anyone looking to make a change for the better. I’m treating my husband to a treatment for his birthday and am very much looking forward to her working on my 2-1/2 year old son. I just know they will love it. Even my dog has been so happy lately she greets me with more enthusiasm than ever and our household is so much more harmonious (see that testimonial here) in general . I can’t wait to see what’s ahead in my life now. Two thumbs up!!


If I could move to Colorado, I would! Truly though, be it 5 miles, 25 miles, or 1000 miles or more, I know I can depend on Amy for guided assistance. With both parents in simultaneous dire medical crises (stroke and cancer), and both in Intensive Care Units of different hospitals, I reached out to Amy for long distance Qigong readings and healing. With uncanny accuracy, Amy could detect the issues and describe the blockages and needs. I could communicate to the doctors and nurses to better support my parents’ needs. In a time of great distress, Amy clearly articulated the situations and issues that needed to be addressed. The qigong healing and blessings have been an integral part of my life. Amy’s qigong reading of me was also extremely precise as well. I consider Amy a friend, an ally, and proponent. Amy is a most trusted confidant and I have the utmost confidence in her abilities from near or afar. Amy has directed me with exercises and blessings which have positive undeniable results.

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